You are on the project website
On this page there is information in plain language.
We explain:
- What a partnership for democracy is.
- What the role of the partnership for democracy is.
- How this website works.
What is a partnership for democracy?
Since few years there is a federal program called “Live Democracy!”.
The federal program “Live Democracy!” gives money for many projects.
These projects are called: “Partnerships for Democracy”.
These projects exist all over Germany.
The federal program “Live Democracy!” is part of the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth.
Here you can find out more about the federal program “Live Democracy!”:
The federal program “Live Democracy!” also gives money for our project.
Our project is called:
Partnership for Democracy in Dresden.
It is for everyone in the city of Dresden.
Our project has one goal:
Democracy should be preserved.
And democracy should be supported.
The word democracy is a Greek word.
It means: „rule by the people“.
Democracy is a form of government.
A form that says who is allowed to decide in a state.
For example, the form of government says who can make laws.
In a democracy, the people can take part in the decisions in different ways.
That means: Everyone can have a say.
There are also other forms of government.
For example there is dictatorship.
In a dictatorship, only one person decides for all other people.
A lot of people don’t think that’s a good thing.
They would rather have a say.
That is why they find democracy important and want to protect it.
What is the role of the Partnership for Democracy?
Democracy should be preserved.
And democracy should be supported.
How can this goal be achieved?
That is written down in the: „Local action program for a diverse and cosmopolitan Dresden 2017-2022 „.
The abbreviation for Local Action Program in German is LHP.
The aim of the LHP is:
Dresden is a diverse and cosmopolitan city.
And in Dresden certain values should be preserved.
These values are:
- democracy
- social cohesion
- mutual respect
- appreciation
The LHP also says: Which steps are necessary to achieve this goal.
And who is responsible for the individual steps.
These are often authorities and offices.
But nonprofit associations can also take part.
The associations can carry out projects.
These projects must fit the goals of the LHP.
The associations need money for the projects.
The city can give money. This money is called a grant.
Associations must submit an application for this.
They need to fill out a form and answer questions in it.
They have to explain exactly: What do they need the money for.
There are many rules that must be followed.
And deadlines to meet.
This is difficult sometimes.
That is why there is the center of competence and coordination of the Partnership for Democracy.
The center helps with the forms.
And it answers all questions.
You can call the center.
The phone number is: 0351 2029 8382.
Or write an email:
How does this website work?
Everything important can be seen on the home page.
You will always be directed to the home page if you click on the words “Partnerschaft für Demokratie in Dresden” on the top left.
These words can always be found in the navigation bar.
The navigation bar can always be found at the top of the website.
You will find the individual sub-pages in the navigation bar.
On the sub-page “Partnerschaft für Demokratie” you will find information about the Partnership for Democracy and the LHP.
On the sub-page “Projektförderung” you will find everything you need to know about the grant.
Here you can find information on:
- How a project has to be done in order to qualify for the grant.
- What you have to consider if you want to apply for the grant.
You can also download forms here.
And here you will find the next deadline until when an application can be submitted.
On the sub-page “Projekte” you will find an overview about all projects that have already received a grant.
You will also find information on the projects here.
On the sub-page “Aktuelles” you will find important news.
Here events are announced and important deadlines are pointed out.
On the sub-page “Kontakt” you can find out how and where you can contact us.
Jessica Dietel
Tel. 0351 20298382
Aktion Zivilcourage e. V.
Fachstelle der Partnerschaft für
Demokratie in Dresden
Lockwitzer Straße 4
01219 Dresden